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A member registered Mar 15, 2022

Recent community posts

Okay.. So whats the deal with the computer? Is the password patreon only? Is it later in the game? Is there a clue to it? I'm so confused

You should be very cautious, Covid is a serious matter

I should know, Lost my mom because of it.. 

Nevermind that, Get better, Take another rest if you need to, No need to rush out any updates, The last thing we want is for you to get seriously ill or worse..

Tldr: Take a rest, Don't focus on updates till you are 100% Good to go

How did you get the camera to work

Legit the first thing it says is its not avaliable for android yet

Already asked that, This game won't have a Apk download However, The sequel to this game MIGHT

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If you need any help with any Ideas Let me know, I will always be willing to give you ideas ^^

I wish there was a save feature.. Even though this game is short, I feel like there should be a save feature, Also some things aren't explained well.. Like the "Decrement __ Desire" Should be "Remove ___ Desire" And the shop I feel should be explained more because I didn't really understand it at first either.. For new players it is hard to understand what some things mean..  But you will understand as you play the game

Despite this, I can't criticize this game TOO much because its file size is small, Easy to play, And mobile support is Godly for people who want to play this game on mobile

7/10 Design wise

8/10 Gameplay wise

5/10 for the tutorials

10/10 Controls (On mobile)

Would recommend especially for mobile players

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Will there ever be a apk or Html version?

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Will there ever be a mobile port?

I don't mind if you have to remove things to make the file size smaller... But I would like to see a Apk for the game

Will there ever be a mobile port?

I have sent you the screenshots on telegram Fyi

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Images aren't loading, the Background is not showing, and it says --Charname-- Rather then the Characters name.. and a ton of other issues... I can show you a picture on another platform if you need an example with your permission of course

Well, It was worth asking

Could you add a mobile port?

How about a setting to include one?

How do you get mana and skills?

Will the be a mobile download coming in the future?